Hello all,
I'm a complete newbie to the whole blogging thing, but I thought I'd give it a shot... I want to start things out with the think that it most important to me...faith. Without my faith in God, I don't know where I would be. Every day, I'm itching to learn more about Him and become closer to the One who created me. This brings me to this past weekend. My family and I went down to Nashville for a Shaohannah's Hope fundraiser with Steven Curtis Chapman. We've been a fan of his for a very long time. I also got a chance to meet him, which made my life! While we were there, I felt like God was really speaking to me. I don't know what He wants me to do yet, but I'm anxious to find out! For now, I just have to wait, read my Bible, and PRAY.
On our drive back home, I was praying the whole way, asking God to show me what it is He wants me to do. Then we put an SCC's album, "Speechless," in. It was as if God was using every song on that CD to say something to me. One song in particular that stuck out to me was, "Whatever."
I made a list wrote down from a to z All the ways I thought that you could best use me Told all my strengths and my abilities I formed a plan it seemed to make good sense I laid it out for you so sure you'd be convinced I made my case presented my defense But then I read the letter that you sent me It said that all you really want from me is just Whatever whatever you say Whatever I will obey Whatever lord have your way 'cause you are my God whatever So strike a match set fire to the list Of all my good intentions all my preconceived ideas I want to do your will no matter what it is Give me faith to follow where you lead me Oh lord give me the courage and the strength to do I am not my own I am yours and yours alone You have bought me with your blood Lord to you and you alone do I belong And so whatever
This song confirmed what I was thinking...God is speaking to me. Now all I need to do, is listen...
Showing hope -